
While borrowers currently affiliated with LSTC or McCormick have the option of recalling regular circulating material (i.e., from the "Stacks" or EPRC collections in the catalog, excluding periodicals) that is currently checked out to another borrower, borrowers are urged before placing a recall to check the holdings of other I-Share libraries. All regular circulating materials are subject to recall, either for another borrower or for library reserve. Recalls may not be placed upon reserve materials. To recall an item, either visit the circulation desk or contact the JKM circulation desk at

Library staff will contact the borrower who currently has the item checked out both by phone (as a courtesy) and e-mail, informing them that another borrower has recalled the item or that the item is needed for reserve. The original borrower must return the item within seven (7) days of notification by email; fines begin accruing on the eighth day at $5.00/day (or any part thereof).