Access to the JKM Library

For current students, staff, and faculty at McCormick and LSTC (including cross-registered students):

Access to all JKM Library resources, physical or electronic, is enabled using OpenAthens, our single-sign-on platform. This is the online equivalent of your library card.

With your OpenAthens login, you can use our online catalog to place requests for books from JKM or any of the nearly 100 I-Share libraries throughout the state of Illinois. It also enables your access to all of JKM's ebooks and databases.

The McCormick and LSTC registrars share lists of all new and cross-registered students, and new faculty members, with JKM at the start of each semester. We also try to keep up with new staff members as they join the seminaries.

As we are made aware of new (or returning, or cross-registered) library patrons at each institution, JKM staff create (or update) library accounts and OpenAthens credentials for each.

If you do not receive a welcome email from us at the start of your first semester, or if your OpenAthens login does not work, or stops working for any reason: please use your seminary email address to contact us at, and we will get you set up with everything you need!


For alumni of McCormick or LSTC:

While alumni of McCormick and LSTC are not eligible for an OpenAthens login, we do maintain separate access to select electronic resources to help support your ongoing work.

Please email JKM Library staff at, and we can send you the current usernames and passwords for these services.


For patrons of one of our partner libraries:

Since our downsizing and move to closed stacks in an access-controlled building in the summer of 2023, we unfortunately no longer have a physical space in which to welcome you.

The JKM Library currently operates strictly by delivery to the shared campus building at 5416 S. Cornell Ave., or through ILDS to other I-Share and RAILS libraries, and we create individual user logins for our electronic resources. Our other library services are available by appointment.

If you need access to our resources or library services, as a patron of another ACTS or I-Share library, or of the University of Chicago Libraries, please email us from your school email address at, and we will explore the options available to meet your needs!