The JKM Library maintains a growing selection of electronic resources to support your research activities, all accessible with your OpenAthens login.
All of our ebooks, and many of the handbooks and encyclopedias, are also available in Primo, our online catalog. When you search, they will show up as "Available Online" and you can follow the catalog links to "View Online," which should take you to the specific book you want. You can also search specific ebook collections below.
We have a guide to using the databases to find journal articles—and especially to finding what you want in full text!
And scroll to the bottom for all sorts of new supplementary resources from the State of Illinois!
Alumni of McCormick or LSTC: check out our Resources for Alumni page for links and instructions.
NEW: All EBSCO resources now have a new look. You can watch our 10-minute video tutorial on all of the differences. Atla "Scripture Search" in particular has been made slightly more complicated to access, and we explain how to use it.
Auxiliary links to the old interface will remain until it is phased out in January 2025.
As always, no matter which EBSCO database you click on first, you can then choose additional databases—even all of them!—and search them together. Click on "Searching:" in the new interface, or "Choose Databases" in the old.
Bibliographic Resources
- Chicago Manual of Style Online (18th Edition)
- Turabian: A Manual for Writers – Citation Quick Guide (at CMOS Online)
Religion and the Humanities
⟹ Try our Custom JKM EBSCO search to cover a wide range of needs!
- Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS (old interface here) (video tutorial)
(alumni: new interface or old) - Academic Search Complete (old interface here)
- EBSCO Religion and Philosophy Collection (old interface here)
- Humanities Source Ultimate (NEW!) (old interface here)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion
Religion eBook Collections
- Atla Historical Monographs Collection (1300–1923, page scans) (new interface)
- Cambridge Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture
- EBSCO eBook Collections (old interface here)
- Oxford Handbooks Online (easier to look for them in Primo)
- ProQuest Ebook Central Religion Collection
Bible Dictionaries and Commentaries
- Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (alumni: link here)
- Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries (alumni: link here)
- Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries (Ministry Matters Legacy)
- Abingdon New Testament Commentaries (Ministry Matters Legacy)
- ⤷ Find more Abingdon OT/NT Commentaries at the New Research Library
- Augsburg Fortress Hermeneia commentaries (at Project MUSE)
- Ministry Matters Legacy Library
- Ministry Matters New Research Library
- The New Interpreter's Bible (Ministry Matters Legacy)
- The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (Ministry Matters Legacy)
⟹ Search for more commentaries in Primo, we have them as ebooks!
Bible Research and Reference
- Biblical Archaeology Society Library
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) Online (DeGruyter, vols. 1–22 as of 2024)
- Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (at Oxford Reference)
- Oxford Bibliographies in Biblical Studies
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible
- Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible
Church History and Theology
- Encyclopedia of Christianity Online (Brill, 5 vols.)
- Oxford Bibliographies of the Renaissance and the Reformation
- Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther ⚠
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Religion in America
- Oxford Encyclopedia of South Asian Christianity
Environmental Science and Religion
- Agricola (old interface here) (from the USDA National Agriculture Library)
- Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (at Oxford Reference)
- GreenFILE (old interface here)
Pastoral Theology
Social Issues
- EBSCO eBook Diversity and Ethnic Studies Collection (old interface here)
- EBSCO Ethnic Diversity Source (old interface here)
- EBSCO Family Studies Abstracts (old interface here)
- EBSCO Family and Society Studies Worldwide (old interface here)
- EBSCO Left Index (old interface here)
- EBSCO LGBTQ+ Source (old interface here)
- EBSCO Urban Studies Abstracts (old interface here)
- EBSCO Violence and Abuse Abstracts (old interface here)
- EBSCO Women's Studies International (old interface here)
- ⤷ JKM Recommends: Combined EBSCO Social Issues search
Theses and Dissertations
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ JKM (LSTC Ph.D. dissertations)
- Learn@JKM (LSTC and McCormick D.Min. and ACTS D.Min. in Preaching theses)
- EBSCO Open Dissertations (American Doctoral Dissertations database)
- Atla Research in Ministry (dissertations in ministry, theology, and religion)
Supplementary E-resources
As a member of CARLI, and thanks to grants from the State of Illinois, JKM also offers a range of other electronic resources that may be helpful to our patrons and their families.
Read a book or magazine for fun, keep up with the news, help your children with their school work, or find out all sorts of things you want or need to know!
Links that say "EBSCO Explora" each feature a new, dedicated subject-area interface designed to be more user-friendly.
School-Age Resources
- EBSCO Book Collection: Nonfiction (all grades)
- EBSCO Elementary Grades K-5 (database, ebooks, and reference)
- EBSCO Middle Grades 6-8 (database, ebooks, and reference)
- EBSCO eBooks for Grades K-8
- EBSCO eBooks for High School
- EBSCO MAS Complete for High School (magazines, ebooks, and reference)
- Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
- Points of View (EBSCO Explora) (for current issues debates)
General Subject-Area Reference Sources
- Biography Reference Source (EBSCO Explora)
- History Reference Source (EBSCO Explora)
- Literary Reference Source (EBSCO Explora)
- Science Reference Source (EBSCO Explora)
Fiction and Non-Fiction eBooks
- EBSCO eBook Public Library Collection
- NoveList Plus (learn about books you might be interested in!)
News and Periodicals (current and historical)
- EBSCO MasterFILE Complete (magazines and ebooks)
- EBSCO Newspaper Source Plus
- EBSCO Newswires
- EBSCO Time Magazine Archive (1923–2000)
Education and Psychology
- Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
- EBSCO Child Development and Adolescent Studies
- EBSCO Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
- EBSCO Professional Development Collection
- EBSCO Library and Information Science Source
Business Information
- EBSCO Business Source
- Small Business Source (EBSCO Explora)
- EBSCO Regional Business News
Government and Law
- Legal Information Source (EBSCO Explora)
- EBSCO Military and Government Collection
Medical Information
- Consumer Health Complete (EBSCO Explora)
- EBSCO Health Source: Consumer
- EBSCO Health Source: Nursing/Academic
- EBSCO MEDLINE Ultimate (professional-level)
- EBSCO Alt HealthWatch (alternative medicine)
- Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary
Hobbies and DIY
- Hobbies and Crafts Source (EBSCO Explora)
- Home Improvement Source (EBSCO Explora)
- Small Engine Repair Source (EBSCO Explora)